Have you ever taken part in your own gratefulness experiment? Perhaps you have written a small list every day for a month to see how it impacts you? Studies show that practicing gratefulness can benefit your psychological well being, improve relationships, increase empathy, reduce toxic emotions and is just in general good for your wellbeing. Whether you’ve done this before or you’re a first-timer, then is there a better time to do this than in the month of Thanksgiving? I think not!

The topics I cover in this episode are;

The processing coping style

A story about Oprah’s gratefulness practice

The benefits of writing things down

My gratefulness list

Watching nature unfold

The benefits pets can bring

The beauty of thank-you notes

Research and Links I mentioned in this episode:

Research about gratitude

Emmons, R. A., & McCullough, M. E. (2003). Counting blessings versus burdens: An experimental investigation of gratitude and subjective well-being in daily life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84(2), 377–389. https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.84.2.377

Froh, Jeffrey & Sefick, William & Emmons, Robert. (2008). Counting blessings in early adolescents: An experimental study of gratitude and subjective well-being. Journal of School Psychology. 46. 213-33. 10.1016/j.jsp.2007.03.005.

Wood, A. M., Froh, J. J., & Geraghty, A. W. A. (2010). Gratitude and well-being: A review and theoretical integration. Clinical Psychology Review, 30, 890 – 905.

Wood, A.M, Maltby, J., Gillett, R., Linley P.A., Joseph, S., (2008). The role of gratitude in the development of social support, stress, and depression: Two longitudinal studies. Journal of Research in Personality, 42 (4) 854-871, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrp.2007.11.003.

Article on gratitude


Oprah on gratitude


Calm and Connected episode mentioned

Episode 70 - Using Dominoes to Demonstrate How Kindness Can Have a Ripple Effect


Free resource for adults to explore their coping skills


And remember, do not forget about yourself, take a few minutes for you and have a little fun!

About The Host - Janine Halloran

Janine Halloran is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, an author, a speaker, an entrepreneur and a mom. As a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Janine has been working primarily with children and adolescents for over 15 years. She loves to create products and resources, so she started two businesses to support families and professionals who work with children and teens. ‘Coping Skills for Kids’ provides products and resources to help kids learn to cope with their feelings in safe and healthy ways. It’s the home of the popular Coping Cue Cards, decks of cards designed to help kids learn and use coping skills at home or at school. Janine’s second business ‘Encourage Play’ is dedicated to helping kids learn and practice social skills in the most natural way - through play! Encourage Play has free printables, as well as digital products focused on play and social skills.

Coping Skills for Kids - https://copingskillsforkids.com

Encourage Play - https://www.encourageplay.com

Interested in reading my books?

The Coping Skills for Kids Workbook - https://store.copingskillsforkids.com/collections/coping-skills-for-kids-workbook/products/coping-skills-for-kids-workbook-digital-version

Social Skills for Kids - https://store.copingskillsforkids.com/collections/encourage-play/products/social-skills-for-kids-workbook

Connect with Janine on Social Media

Instagram: @copingskillsforkids

Facebook: facebook.com/copingskillsforkids and facebook.com/encourageplay

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/JanineHalloranEncouragePlay