Today I want to focus on the coping style of distraction. Distraction is really focused on play and fun activities to help us manage big thoughts, emotions and feelings, but let’s focus on the adult piece of play in this episode. Play is a natural stress reliever which can have a big impact on relationships and work therefore we could all do with a little more fun and play in our lives. I want you to consider; what is fun for you? What can you do today to help relieve some stress? 

The topics I cover in this episode are;

Meeting Stuart Brown at a play conference

What kids can learn through play

Play isn’t just for kids so why is it frowned upon for adults?

What does play look like for adults?

Why play at work is essential

Examples of adults adding joy to their work in the airport and with UberEats

How play can resolve disagreements 

Links I mentioned in this episode;

Play and Coping Skills

Interview with Sophie Garner 

Helpful Articles

Free Resource for Adults:

And remember, do not forget about yourself, take a few minutes for you and have a little fun!

About The Host - Janine Halloran

Janine Halloran is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, an author, a speaker, an entrepreneur and a mom. As a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Janine has been working primarily with children and adolescents for over 15 years. She loves to create products and resources, so she started two businesses to support families and professionals who work with children and teens. ‘Coping Skills for Kids’ provides products and resources to help kids learn to cope with their feelings in safe and healthy ways. It’s the home of the popular Coping Cue Cards, decks of cards designed to help kids learn and use coping skills at home or at school. Janine’s second business ‘Encourage Play’ is dedicated to helping kids learn and practice social skills in the most natural way - through play! Encourage Play has free printables, as well as digital products focused on play and social skills.

Coping Skills for Kids -

Encourage Play -

Interested in reading my books?

The Coping Skills for Kids Workbook -

Social Skills for Kids -

Connect with Janine on Social Media

Instagram: @copingskillsforkids

Facebook: and
