Surveys are an important tool for measuring your customers’ and agents’satisfaction along with identifying areas needing improvement.  Listen in to 15 tips to optimize your surveys.

Guest Dr. Fred Van Bennekom, The author of "Customer Surveying: A Guidebook for Service Managers," teaches operations management in Northeastern University’s Executive MBA program and has served as an information systems consultant for Digital Equipment’s field service organization. Through his company, Great Brook, Dr. Van Bennekom conducts workshops and advises clients on their survey practices.

Survey Tips & Tricks – the Fast Fifteen or a Bakers Dozen plus two

Project Management
Think about what you’re trying to learn – Statement of research objectivesLine up your ducks – get the resources and sponsorship lined upMotivate, motivate, motivate
Questionnaire Design
Talk to the people – do some field research for “attribute identification”Keep it shortOrganize into topical sectionsIt’s how you write it – look for multiple interpretationsData aren’t all created equal -- Know your data types
Survey Administration
Target the right peopleTarget the right people the right way – Avoid sample biasKnow the math of statistical accuracy
Analysis & Reporting
Fight the fires immediatelySlice and dice – look for the interesting findings among subgroupsExplain the impactClose the loop – tell them what you learned = motivate