Have you ever wondered why some people are more difficult to work with than others?  No matter how hard you try, it seems impossible to see eye to eye with the other person.  Believe it or not, there is a quick way to figure out why the other person is prioritizing, planning, executing, and in some instances holding back from project completion at work. 

Following the Enneagram method, a form of psychology that breaks down the 9 basic leadership styles, Sheena Monnin explains how Enneagram is different from every other type of leadership assessment because it goes beyond behaviors and reveals the ‘why’ behind our actions and propensities.

It’s okay to have a different way of filtering information than your boss has, but companies are discovering how much time and money is wasted because of these differing and misunderstood perspectives. The solution is to learn what is motivating you, and that not everyone is propelled to action the way that you are, and how to respect those differences.