What is it, why all of the hype, and how can we use it to our daily challenges like retention of new-hires, adherence, quality, FCR, customer upselling and retention? 

Special Guest Bob Cowen of Snowfly - a full service incentives and recognition company, will join us to answer those questsions and yours too!

Bob has been in the contact center industry for more than 30 years. During those years, he’s visited numerous centers across the country. At virtually each one of them, he observed an agent incentive program that used contests or games, leader boards, badges and various rewards. Creating and managing these incentive programs appeared to be labor intensive; they ran only periodically, for a relatively short duration and quite often the ROI was not even measured! And at the conclusion of most of them, the key metrics would revert to their prior state. In 2006, Bob saw an article in the Wall Street Journal describing how a large bank was using an on-line incentive application that motivated employees to improve attendance, adherence and reduce attrition, especially new-hire attrition. It used brief on-line games, leader boards and rewards and it operated full time. This sounded remarkably like what he had seen in call centers but had been automated, offered as a cloud service and could run continuously. Recognizing the huge savings potential this represented, he contacted the company that provided the on-line application, Snowfly and the rest, as they say, is history.