“God is the ultimate creator and we should be like him in our creativity. Look at the gifts you have. Produce the best you can for Jesus.”

If you’re a Catholic creative who suffers from creative block or the soul-crushing belief that “it’s all been done before,” this episode is for you.  How do we discern our creative call, create free from self-doubt, AND use it to help redeem our culture?

First, we can’t waste time with self-doubt when the Gospel needs to be shared.

Second, it’s been freeing to realize that my art isn’t all about me. It’s a service for others. It brings people to God. Your artistry isn’t about ratings or garnering a huge following; it’s about being a channel to God in a way that no one else on Earth can.

My guest today, Joe Melendrez, has been performing as a Catholic rap artist since he was 15. He encountered raised eyebrows from Catholics who associate rap with an immoral culture. He’s such a great example of how to redeem an art form that’s all-too-often used for evil. Currently Joe is one of the most well-known speakers and Catholic performers in the US of A. We also talk about branding, feeding yourself spiritually, and discerning your vocation.

Y'all, the world needs our Spirit-led creativity. You’re not too old, or too young, or too poor, or too anything to start using your gifts right now. I just encourage you to surrender yourself totally to him and to ask him to flow through you. 

Topics discussed:

Collaboration and creating content consistently
Developing a relationship with the Holy Spirit
Articulating your creative mission and forming goals
Branding and knowing the audience you’re serving
Transforming your art into a ministry


Fr. Rob Galea Ministry
Joe Melendrez (check out his new album, Chosen)
Scripture Observation Application Prayer (SOAP Method)
Marie Forleo
God Swagg Apparel
Gotta Get it Now Song
