The first year of becoming a parent is a rollercoaster of emotions, from terror to pure joy and everything in between. You can't sleep, you don't have time to eat and you go from laughing to crying in mere seconds. But in the end it's all worth it, because like every proud parent, your podcast's achievements become your own.

Nope, that wasn't a typo. We're talking about a different kind of baby - one you can download on iTunes.

That's right, folks, the Call to Action podcast just turned one, and we're celebrating as many others have celebrated their first birthday: by diving headfirst into a volleyball-sized cupcake. (I wish!)

Join me, Unbounce's Multimedia Producer, Stephanie Saretsky (a.k.a. Beansie), and Content Strategist Dan Levy as we chat about the lessons learned during the podcast's first year, including how dang tricky it is to measure the value of a podcast and why not all ideas are good ideas. On top of that, we chat about what's to come for season two, and how you can get involved.