Hey everybody. Stephen Ignoramus here and welcome to Call Me, Ignorant. So pleased you could be with us. Call Me, Ignorant is a live conversation show. Whether with an interesting content creator, an expert in a field, a controversial figure or with a fellow human being trying to spread a message, Call Me Ignorant will try to solve the problems of the world, conversationally speaking.

With me on the program today is Mischa Popoff. Mischa is a writer and a contributor to Culture Wars Magazine. We are here today to talk about his work and the subject matter of several of his last few articles over there at Culture Wars. Mischa grew up in Canada and has a degree in history. He worked as a USDA-contract organic inspector and now lives with his family in Texas. You can find Mischa's work at culturewars magazine at culturewars.com and is linked below.

Links for Mischa: