I've been thinking for some time that it would be nice for our community to have more discussion. When I first started Call Me CEO I had intended on having a Q&A feature but it took me 160 episodes to finally make it a reality!

These episodes will be specific to mom/family/business questions that we all struggle with. With 15+ years of raising four kids and building a business I am not an expert, but I look at this as an opportunity to share a personal perspective of what has worked for me.

Want in on the action? I would love to have you submit a question and come as a guest on the show. These episodes are designed to be under 15 minutes and I hope will become a library resource for podcast listeners who are looking for specific answers to very real, relatable struggles that we all have.

So for this first episode we are discussing how to help your child feel important and see as you go through different stages of work demands. This is the question that was submitted by Ashley Christensen, "How do I talk to my kids about my new busy work schedule? My kids are used to me being around all of the time. My daughter asks why I choose to work. She says I work all of the time and although it might feel that way to her, I don’t know how to talk to them about this without trying to plead my case. I want to acknowledge this and their feelings and would love to know more about how I can make them feel important while showing them this is important too!"

You can listen to the episode here to find how I have found simple ways to help create an environment of connection and teamwork in approach to your family and your business.

If you are interested in being a participant, please fill out this form.


Interested in free coaching? I'm thrilled to announce that I'll be hosting 20-minute mini-coaching episodes every Friday, specifically tailored for women juggling the demands of both business and motherhood. During these sessions, we'll delve into various engaging topics, such as:

Balancing Career and Motherhood: Strategies for maintaining equilibrium.Time Management Hacks: Maximizing productivity in your busy schedule.Setting and Achieving Goals: Navigating the path to success.Self-Care for Supermoms: Prioritizing your well-being.Building Confidence: Overcoming self-doubt in business and parenting.Networking and Building Connections: Expanding your professional circle.Financial Empowerment: Tips for financial security and growth.Stress Management: Coping with the pressures of modern life.Effective Communication: Navigating conversations in both roles.Work-Life Integration: Creating harmony between career and family.

Sign up here to apply for free coaching with Camille.


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Looking for one on one coaching to grow your team, reach your goals, and find the right life balance. Grab a free discovery call with Camille.