Ever wonder how being honest about your struggles can actually make you stronger? Michelle Mansfield, host of the Honest Mom podcast, joins us to share her transformative journey from health coaching to podcasting. Michelle sheds light on the importance of authenticity and vulnerability in motherhood, emphasizing how candidly sharing our own stories can create a supportive community. Discover how morning routines can set a positive tone for your day and redefine what it means to be "just a mom," bringing peace and balance to the chaos of daily life.

How do generational differences and social media narratives shape our views on motherhood? In this enlightening conversation, Michelle discusses turning personal challenges into sources of empowerment. Learn how she navigated the complex world of publishing a children's book and why maintaining one's identity is crucial amidst the hardships and joys of motherhood. You'll also gain valuable insights into managing career aspirations while prioritizing family, especially during the slower summer months, with practical tools for balancing work and family life.

Ever felt overwhelmed by the idea of pivoting or embracing failure? Michelle reflects on her own experiences, offering wisdom on how to honor where you are in your motherhood journey. From the significance of meaningful relationships to finding passions outside of parenting, this episode is packed with advice and encouragement. Whether you're looking to establish a fulfilling morning routine or simply find peace in the everyday chaos, Michelle's heartfelt storytelling provides a wealth of inspiration for every mother navigating her unique path.

Connect with Michelle:

Visit her website: michellemansfieldauthor.com

Connect with Camille Walker:

Follow Camille on Instagram: www.instagram.com/CamilleWalker.co
Follow Call Me CEO on Instagram: www.instagram.com/callmeceopodcast