Talking Martial Arts, cranky bosses and emerging leaders.  Debbie and I have a lot to talk about in this episode. 

Debbie Pickus is the Founder and CEO of Team Fireball, Inc. a company focused on creating power, confidence and a little bit of badass for her clients which include corporate teams, professional organizations and professional women.

Her 20+ years in fitness and martial arts have given Debbie a unique perspective on the mind/body connection and how to use it as a power source. She works with and speaks to groups about harnessing this power to create confidence, energy and success in their business and personal lives.

With a passion to help women knock out the mental bully that limits them and knowing that a powerful mindset is the first step in building confidence and success, she became certified in a Transformational Mindset methodology and has added this programming to her work including coaching, workshops and a forthcoming online Mental Martial Arts Academy.

When not focused on her business, Debbie spends time with her fiancé Bill, her puppy George and her 3 grown kids whenever the opportunity allows.

Workshops and Speaking Topics:

-Owning Your Value/Future Visioning

-Limiting Beliefs Discovery/Power of Decision Workshops

-From Profit Leaks to Killer Profits in Business

-From Undervalued, Unsure and Insecure to Unstoppable, Fierce and Fired Up

-Morning and Daily Rituals to Boost Confidence and Resourcefulness

Self Defense training programs:

-Basic Personal Safety Awareness (virtual or in person)

-Basics of Personal Safety Hands on Workshop**

-When Terminations Go Wrong- Protecting Yourself and Your Team in the Event of a Hostile Termination

BREAKTHROUGHS Board Breaking Workshop**

** Must be in person

Coaching programs-Mindset

These programs are typically customized-pricing varies

3 -month and 6 -month programs

For Individuals and Groups