My great friend Ken Sher, of Sher Coaching sits down over some really awesome Larry's coffee to chat about bad bosses and examples of some really awesome ones! 

Ken Sher is an Executive Coach and Career Consultant with 30-years’ experience leading and coaching individuals and managerial teams at companies such as Johnson & Johnson and Bristol-Myers Squibb.

In addition to winning multiple achievement awards in various sales & marketing roles and leading the Johnson & Johnson Sales Recruiting Department to record placements, he led 4 different Sales Training & Leadership Development teams including a global organization. Ken's teams designed, developed and delivered leadership training to multiple levels within J & J.

Ken is President of Sher Coaching and he is dedicated to improving individual and team performance by focusing on his TRUST Success Model which, when applied to Leadership and Career Management, can be transformational.

To learn more about Ken or to contact him:

Email: [email protected]

Make an Appointment: Schedule here



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