We hope you had a chance to watch, listen, or participate in BYO’s NanoCon held earlier this month. For host John Holl it was great fun to moderate two panels with industry experts, though leaders, and brewers. In addition to their own thoughts and insight we had a lot of great questions and feedback from conference participants, especially during our small brewer panel. 

For this episode, our last of 2021, Holl wanted to bring three brewers together to talk about shared experiences, how they faced adversity and got through it, and to see what their outlook for 2022 might hold. 

We cover everything from social media plans, to yeast and hops, customer service, retail, packaging, and more.  For you small brewers putting in the hard work day in and day out it can be hard to get outside of your four walls. So hearing from other brewers or owners in podcast form might help a bit to show there are other people in similar situations. Their perspective might help you with insight into your own nano brewery. 

Our end of the year panelists are : 

Sara Ridgel of Policy Kings Brewery, she and her husband Dre are working to waking up the pallets of their Community through creative and innovative sessionable style beers. The opened in 2018 and  she says the brewery’s main goal is to always deliver a crushable beer. 

Eric Christensen is a 26 year veteran of the Coast Guard and started Gypsy Brewing Company with his wife, Heather, in May 2017.  The two-barrel production only brewery serves local clientele in Southern Maryland through draft accounts, markets, and liquor stores. 


Riker Wikoff is a co-founder of Red Clover Ale Co. In Vermont, it’s a small brewery he started with two brothers-in-law, serving up IPAs and more from their taproom. 

The BYO Nano Podcast Episode 24 is sponsored by:

Blichmann Pro Brewing 

With superior engineering and unrivaled service, Blichmann Pro Brewing equipment is designed from the ground up to generate a quick return on your investment by getting you up and running as efficiently as possible without sacrificing quality. These systems are versatile and flexible enough to give you room to grow with a modular design that can fit any space. Visit Blichmannpro.com to learn more about our one to ten barrel brewhouse systems and cellaring equipment.

Join BYO online for a series of four-hour-long workshops with deep dives into topics of interest to small-scale pro brewers including Sour Beer Techniques on January 28, Distilling on February 4, and Brewery Taproom Draft Systems on April 8. Details can be found at byo.com/bootcamps

BYO Nano Brew Podcast Episode 24
Host: John Holl
Guests:  Riker Wikoff, Eric Christensen, and Sara Ridgel

Contact: [email protected]
Music: Scott McCampbell