In this episode my guest, Leland Conway, provides valuable insights on buying a handgun for the uninitiated.

He emphasizes the importance of not relying solely on friends' recommendations or the advice of gun store employees, as the choice of a handgun is a personal and individual decision.  (There are exceptions, and he'll cover that as well.)

Leland recommends taking a basic firearms class to learn about gun safety, recoil, and different types of handguns. He also suggests going to a gun range and renting different guns to find one that feels comfortable and fits well in the hand. Leland also highlights the importance of responsible gun ownership and the need for proper training and knowledge.

Click here to learn more and follow Leland Conway:

My Takeaways:

Don't rely on friends' recommendations or gun store employees when buying a handgun; it's a personal choice. Take a basic firearms class first to learn about gun safety, recoil, and different types of handguns. Go to a gun range and rent different guns to find one that feels comfortable and fits well in your hand. Responsible gun ownership requires proper training and knowledge.

If you need expert advice about something you don’t know much about, and need a little guidance, send me an email at [email protected] and I’ll do my best to cover it in an upcoming show. 

If you’re “that guy,” (and of course you can be a woman) that people should hear from because you know your sh*t about a certain subject, please reach out to me, and let’s talk about how we can work together.

Music credits: Preacher Man by Miles Neilson and The Rusted Hearts, used with permission. A killer band with original songs that get stuck in your head.  They're awesome.

Listen To Preacher Man on Spotify: