Enjoy listening to Ray Peat (PhD) as he dives into the fraudulent and pervasive culture behind serotonin, and how what we thought we knew as the "happiness hormone" might be killing us.  As well as talking about recuperative, pro-metabolic behaviors that protect against excessive serotonin, he explores the physiology of playfulness as the opposite of the chronically stressed state.   ______  For more of Ray's work, visit: http://raypeat.com  For his "Serotonin: Effects in disease, aging and inflammation", read here: http://raypeat.com/articles/articles/serotonin-disease-aging-inflammation.shtml  To read his article on "Tryptophan, serotonin, and aging", access here: http://raypeat.com/articles/aging/tryptophan-serotonin-aging.shtml  Read his "Serotonin, depression, and aggression: The problem of brain energy" here: http://raypeat.com/articles/articles/serotonin-depression-aggression.shtml