Previous Episode: My Test Podcast episode
Next Episode: The Importance of Sleep

Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 001. I am most often asked,  “How do you do it all?” Actually, that’s not the question, I’m most often asked, but you’ll have to listen to find out what that one is. During this episode, I discuss some of the things that I do, and some of the things […]

Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 001.

I am most often asked,  “How do you do it all?” Actually, that’s not the question, I’m most often asked, but you’ll have to listen to find out what that one is.

During this episode, I discuss some of the things that I do, and some of the things that I don’t do.  (I told you it was a myth – not even I can do it all!)

You’ll even get to hear from Indigo as she joins me and helps me pick the winner of the Goat Milk Stuff gift certificate.  I’m hope this episode is encouraging to those moms who feel like they can’t get it all done. After recording the episode, I put together my own lists of some activities that are Important and some activities that are NOT Important.

I’d love to hear some of the things that you’re ok with not doing, so please share them!

Thanks for listening! Please join me next week when I discuss the importance of sleep for busy moms.


You can read the Podcast Transcript or subscribe to the Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast: