Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 002. This week, I’m addressing the issue of sleep.  As moms and homemakers, most of us know what it is like to feel sleep deprived.  But do you truly know how that impacts your health? Over the past couple of months I personally discovered that it isn’t always enough […]

Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 002.

This week, I’m addressing the issue of sleep.  As moms and homemakers, most of us know what it is like to feel sleep deprived.  But do you truly know how that impacts your health?

Over the past couple of months I personally discovered that it isn’t always enough to get 8 hours of sleep.  The quality of our sleep can often be just as important or even more important than the quantity.    Brett joins me and answers questions about the role of sleep in her life and what happens when we don’t get enough of it.  I hope this episode helps you to make proper sleep a priority in your life so you can be the mom you are capable of being!

I would love to know what you thought of this episode and what the biggest obstacles to a good night’s sleep are for you.

You can comment on the blog post below or leave a message on The Busy Mom’s Survival Guide feedback line at 240-230-SOAP.

Thanks for listening! Tune in next week when I talk about how to eat enough fruits and vegetables!


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