Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 073. I have always said that God gives us children not JUST so that we can raise them, but so that we can finish growing up ourselves.  Have you ever found yourself saying, “My children make me want to scream!?”  I admit, I’ve said that.  And while our children […]

Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 073.

I have always said that God gives us children not JUST so that we can raise them, but so that we can finish growing up ourselves.  Have you ever found yourself saying, “My children make me want to scream!?”  I admit, I’ve said that.  And while our children may instigate that feeling in us, they aren’t the ones that make us scream.  We do that all on our own.  The truth is, becoming a scream-free parent actually has very little to do with our children’s behavior, and everything to do with our own.

Because this is such a huge issue for so many parents, I’m very excited to talk with Hal Runkel today, author of Scream Free Parenting*. I hope that it encourages you that you can gain control over the way you react to your children.

Episodes Resources

Screamfree Parenting: The Revolutionary Approach to Raising Your Kids by Keeping Your Cool*

Episodes In This Series

Scream Free Parenting I
Scream Free Parenting II

Thanks for listening! Please join me for next weeks episode as I continue the discussion with Hal about Scream Free Parenting.


*Amazon Affiliate Link

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