Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 072. During today’s episode, I’m going to finish the discussion about sibling rivalry with Dr. Todd Cartmell, author of the book, Keep the Siblings, Lose the Rivalry*. A lot of parents are tempted to think that siblings fighting is normal and that there is nothing they can do about it. […]

Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 072.

During today’s episode, I’m going to finish the discussion about sibling rivalry with Dr. Todd Cartmell, author of the book, Keep the Siblings, Lose the Rivalry*.

A lot of parents are tempted to think that siblings fighting is normal and that there is nothing they can do about it.  While sibling rivalry may be common, and your children may bicker and squabble, it is something you can definitely do something about.

In his book, Keep the Siblings, Lose the Rivalry*, Dr. Todd Cartmell gives 10 specific steps that you can follow that will help you to improve the sibling rivalry in your home.

The Ten Steps

Create a strong family bond
Connect with each child
Eliminate comparing, labeling, and competition
Require sibling respect
Improve sibling communication
Step toward solutions
Teach sibling survival skills
Reinforce positive sibling behavior
Use sibling consequences that work
Put them on the same team

Episodes In This Series

How To Overcome Sibling Rivalry I
How To Overcome Sibling Rivalry II

Thanks for listening! Please join me for next weeks episode as I talk about Scream Free Parenting.


*Amazon Affiliate Link

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