Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 045. Our family had a life changing event this weekend when we arrived on the scene of a fatal accident. In this episode, Jim joins me and we discuss what we witnessed, how we helped, and what we learned.  We saw many “everyday heroes” this weekend – people who […]

Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 045.

Our family had a life changing event this weekend when we arrived on the scene of a fatal accident.

In this episode, Jim joins me and we discuss what we witnessed, how we helped, and what we learned.  We saw many “everyday heroes” this weekend – people who gave of their time and of themselves to reach out and help complete strangers.  God put some truly average and yet extraordinary people at that accident scene and we are proud to now call some of them friends.

How do you react when there are people in need?  Are you giving enough of yourself?  Are you teaching your children how to help others in need?  I challenge you this week to reach out to someone who needs help.  Get the whole family involved.  And please let me know in the comments what you did.  Our family would find it a huge encouragement.

Thanks for listening!


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