Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 046. My food budget is never as big as I want it to be.  I would love to buy only organic items or the most expensive and healthiest cuts of meat.  But like most moms I have to make some tough choices as to what food to buy for […]

Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 046.

My food budget is never as big as I want it to be.  I would love to buy only organic items or the most expensive and healthiest cuts of meat.  But like most moms I have to make some tough choices as to what food to buy for my family.

I’ve had a lot of practice over the years making a food budget stretch.  During this episode I share what I feel are the best ways to save money when food shopping on a budget.  This allows me to buy the greatest quantities of the healthiest food that I can.

Topics Covered in this Episode

How a garden saves you money
How a pantry saves you money
The importance of a price book
Basing decisions on unit pricing, not sales
Shopping frequency
Bulk items and whether or not to buy them

Listener Questions

Courtney: Do you account for growth spurts? It always seems like no matter how much I buy on the lean side or major shopping stock up its gone! Other moms of 6+ children report the same thing

Janae & Bethany: Do you use coupons? I find them more of a hassle than anything, and they hardly ever apply to what I need to purchase – but some people say they save so much money, I wonder if I should rethink.

Leah: I only have one child and he gets breakfast AND lunch at preschool/daycare. Is the meal planning for one meal and budgeting on groceries worth it money wise?

Becky: Thoughts on the tight budget family – shop clearance/sale bins or plan ahead with flyers?

Jennifer: How far ahead do you plan/shop? One week, two, or more?

Episodes in the Series

Feeding Your Family Part 1 – Your Pantry and Shopping List
Feeding Your Family Part 2 – Meal Planning
Feeding Your Family Part 3 – Food Shopping on a Budget
Feeding Your Family Part 4 – Teaching Children to Cook 1
Feeding Your Family Part 5 – Teaching Children to Cook 2
Feeding Your Family Part 6 – Teaching Children to Cook 3
Feeding Your Family Part 7 – Picky Eaters 1
Feeding Your Family Part 8 – Picky Eaters 2

What are the best ways you have found to save money when food shopping?

Thanks for listening!  Please join me next week as I discuss teaching your children to cook.


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