Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 024. Do you finish your “typical” day feeling like you accomplished nothing?  Or do you typically go to sleep feeling tired, but believing you had a good day?  For me, I enjoy wrapping up the day knowing that I worked hard, taught my children, enjoyed my family, and accomplished […]

Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 024.

Do you finish your “typical” day feeling like you accomplished nothing?  Or do you typically go to sleep feeling tired, but believing you had a good day?  For me, I enjoy wrapping up the day knowing that I worked hard, taught my children, enjoyed my family, and accomplished something.

Jim joins me on this podcast episode to discuss what a typical Jonas day looks like.  We both agree that we have no typical day, but have a schedule that we set that acts as a framework for our days.

We also share some of the insights that we’ve learned over the years and how we view our to-do lists and the tasks that we need to accomplish throughout the day.

What does your typical day look like?

Thanks for listening!  Tune in next week to hear my thoughts on being a protective vs an overprotective parent.


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