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Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 023. Several months ago, Brett got her own room.  Since then we’ve been talking a lot about the subject of privacy because I don’t want her to over-value privacy at the expense of relationships.  After all, if she gets married some day, she’s going to have to give up […]

Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 023.

Several months ago, Brett got her own room.  Since then we’ve been talking a lot about the subject of privacy because I don’t want her to over-value privacy at the expense of relationships.  After all, if she gets married some day, she’s going to have to give up the very privacy she has finally achieved.

When I look at my life, I’ve come to realize that I live my life with very little privacy.  I’m always surrounded by my family.  There are regularly people in my house.  I blog about the things that daily happen to us.  And people are always watching me when I go out with the family.  In fact, when Jim and I went to New York (just the two of us) a few months ago, we both commented on how strange it was that nobody was watching us.  We realized how much attention we drew just by the size of our family.

And I’m ok with that.  I think living my life with transparency is better than heavily guarding my privacy.   It makes me want to be a better person knowing that people are watching.  I want to be a better wife and mom because people are watching me and that carries over to the times when people aren’t watching me.

During this podcast episode, I’m joined by my friend Prayse Dangler, a fairly new wife and mom.  We discuss the concept of privacy and how it relates to our personal lives and our children’s lives.  I also share a very personal experience about a struggle that I kept private and the lessons I learned from that.  This episode really isn’t designed to “teach” anything, but just to spark some thought.

I’d love to hear from people what you think about this topic and how the issue of privacy plays out in your life.

Thanks for listening!  Tune in next week to hear about what my “typical” day looks like.


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