In this podcast... we confront and smash the following myth:
Myth: You are to blame for their addiction.

"You”, as the family member (say the mum), are as powerless over your loved one's addiction as they are themself. This concept is the hardest thing to accept.You have tried to control their behaviour, using every means at your disposal, from threats to pleading, and all your efforts have come to nothing.The evidence proves, therefore, that you are neither to blame for their addiction in the same sense that you have no ultimate control over it.Perhaps the best way that the truth is expressed is the saying that shows up on the walls of Al-Anon meeting rooms everywhere: " Didn't cause it, can't cure it, can't control it".

It is not all surprising that the responsible family member will blame themself, not knowing they are actually powerless over the addiction, just like their loved one.