In this podcast, we answer the question... Be honest, do rehabs genuinely offer an aftercare service?

There is a big difference between offering an aftercare service and actually having one in place that fully supports the person who has gone back home and is now faced with the challenge of dealing with the "real world".

There isn't a single rehab that doesn't mention "aftercare" in their narrative.
Some simply say something like: "And we offer the best aftercare program to help clients stay clean and sober", without giving away any details as to what their program entails.

A few others will promise "24/7 access to counsellors" and other types of support.
Clearly, these types of "programs" are well-meant, but they are incomplete.

At SafeHouse Rehab, we don't kid ourselves into pretending that our job is done once a client goes back to his own hometown. We bring a measure of humility to our work when we say that our rehab is just the very first step on the path of recovery.

We also bring an unwavering sense of responsibility to our clients to give them all the tools they need to stay clean and sober, to allow them to re-integrate into society as productive and positive citizens.

We designed our We CareTM program to be the most robust and complete aftercare program anywhere. We reviewed what was out there and saw what was missing: a truly comprehensive approach to aftercare.

That is why we created the We CareTM aftercare toolkit and contact resources that gives clients all they could possibly need to feel supported and cared for.

It's what we owe our clients who seek a lifetime of clean and sober living.