Letting Go, Clarity, Focus, Productivity


Episode 064 Letting Go for Clarity and Focus with Joe Calloway

URL: http://www.julieannsullivan.com/clarity-focus-joe-calloway/


Today’s guest is Joe Calloway, a leadership & performance speaker, author, business workshop leader, keynote speaker, and a consultant on branding and competitive positioning.  He has authored Becoming a Category of One, Be the Best at What Matters Most, Magnetic: The Art of Attracting Business, Work Like You’re Showing Off, and several other top sellers on Amazon and other book publishers.

He has been a coach and speaker for the past 30 years and his client list includes global brands like BMW, IBM, Saks Fifth Avenue, Coca Cola, American Express, newspapers in Sweden, companies in South Africa, and hotels in Great Britain. He speaks on various topics but most frequently on business trends.

The major themes in his motivational talks include “moving on”, “letting go” and forgiveness.


Bio: Joe Calloway is a business author, consultant and speaker who helps top performing individuals and organizations unlock potential and get even better. Joe is the author of 7 business books, including the classic Becoming A Category Of One.


You’ll discover:


Joe’s story of … Being the best at what matters most Letting go of distractions Letting go of:  trying to please everybody or trying to make everybody happy Prepare a list of What To Let Go Let go of making things “complicated” Letting go of grudges


Joe Calloway’s list of things to let go:


Let go of the toxic people in your life.

Let go of being envious.

Let go of being late.

Let go of having to be right.

Let go of re-posting without fact-checking.

Let go of not listening.

Let go of negative self-talk.

Let go of trying to impress everyone.

Let go of beating yourself up for past mistakes.

Let go of making the same mistake over and over.

Let go of over-thinking everything.

Let go of making it complicated.

Let go of someone else’s definition of success.

Let go of the need to please everyone. You can’t.

Let go of waiting for someone else to make you happy.

Let go of spending all of your money. Save - even a little.

Let go of saying “yes” to things you don’t want to do.

Let go of hating people who don’t look, sound, or think like you.

Let go of being afraid of new ideas.


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