122 Being Accountable in Your Life with Sam Silverstein

URL: http://julieannsullivan.com/sam-silverstien/


Are you keeping yourself accountable in your professional and personal life?

Today’s guest Sam Silverstein states in his biography that he is dedicated to empowering clients to live accountable lives to create an accountable world. He wants clients to focus on what you can do for other people as opposed to what they can do for you. From there you will find ways to better serve in your professional world. Sam knows that we connect through our values and brings this to the forefront of his talks.    

Sam Silverstein is the author of several books about accountability in both a personal and business world setting. He is the founder of The Accountability Movement and has created an app that is available for download below. Sam has appeared on multiple news outlets to talk about accountability and his clients include First National Bank, Kraft Foods, and Pfizer Inc. to name a few.

More information about Sam Silverstein: Sam was Past President of the National Speakers Association. Throughout his career, Sam’s manufacturing and distribution companies have sold over $100 million in products and services. Sam is dedicated to creating an organizational culture that makes accountability a priority.

You’ll discover:


The importance of valuing everyone around you. That helping your employees grow will, in turn, help you grow. Why serving others and volunteering is beneficial to you and your employees. The benefits of being a conversationalist.


The necessity of non-negotiable values. How to figure the right tricks and tips to find the people that will want you to succeed.

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