120 A Workplace Environment -Doing Life Together with Legal Monkeys

URL:  http://julieannsullivan.com/legal-monkeys/


How would you respond if a company interviewing you asked if you were, “a shark”?

Today’s guest is Corey Cormier, Team Lead of Legal Monkeys.  He has asked potential employees this question. Why? Corey knows that he and his team have built a successful workplace environment and they do not want a “shark” to come in and disturb it. You spend a large portion of your life at work, more often than not you’re at work with coworkers than at home with family. In order for everyone to succeed and have the best work/home life, you need to create company culture together.

More information about Corey Cormier and Legal Monkeys: Based out of Bryan, Texas, Legal Monkeys has been in operation since 2009. Legal Monkeys collects medical records for law firms around the country specializing with personal injury attorneys.  Legal Monkeys has won Best Places to Work in both 2014 and 2015. In 2015 the company purchased a full city block in Downtown Bryan to make room for growth. The company focuses and believes in creating a work environment that allows their employees to grow professionally and personally.


You’ll discover:

What kind of employee is the hardest to let go of if they’re not the right fit. How a workplace environment can influence a business’s success. The benefits of a change in workplace culture. The power of appreciation within your team. How a positive morning huddle can improve the atmosphere of your working environment all day.


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