Rosa Aldridge is an American who has had her entire professional career in Japan, and she is passionate about creating sustainable culture practices while promoting Japanese hospitality to the world. She is currently working in an environment that deals with event planning and promoting international understanding, and she has successfully navigated job searching in Japan and has held a variety of positions through various companies and institutions in Japan. Some topics discussed in today's conversation include how to effectively find (the right) jobs in Japan, taking advantage of unique opportunities through positioning yourself as a cultural bridge, and how to best navigate the resources available if you find yourself in a workplace that isn't for you.

Today's Language: 


(gya-ku) kyu-u-ji-n

meaning: (reverse) recruiting, job offer

kanji: (逆)求人

Rosa's Links: 


逆求人 website:

Related Episodes: 

Communicating Your Value in the Japanese Job Market with Sam Thornton:

Learning the Dance of Effective Cross-Cultural Communication in Japan with Kevin Crowell:

Surviving the Salaryman Lifestyle in Japan with Michael Howard Thuresson:

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