We often see security as a thing that has definitive check boxes, end states and deliverables. Audits "end" and then start again, but if you are looking at security as a noun -- as in, a thing that gets done, you are falling short. Security must be a verb. You DO security, you do not HAVE security. Security weaves through every layer and goes beyond the IT assets or codebase.

This includes:

Guerrilla marketing of gaining end-user buy-in for initiatives Iterative tuning of your data sources  Active engagement with real-time feedback from the user base and technical teams

Threat- and risk-informed decisions need to be capable of adapting when things get turned upside down. You need to create a culture and the associated processes to look at security like you do. Security teams and roadmaps are designed to look (often myopically) at specific "deliverables" and not so much at the vital signs of the security ecosystem in any given moment (and what that looks like OVER TIME, not at a moment IN time).


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Show Notes: https://securityweekly.com/bsw299