We have all been through storms in life, and if not, we certainly will. As a business owner the time to prepare for a storm is when the sky is clear. Trying to react when a storm happens is too late. Listen to my conversation with Molly Grubb as she clearly articulates how to prepare for the storms, before it is too late. 

"Stress test your business." - Molly Grubb

Our discussion today included these points and more:

1. How much wealth is tied up in most small businesses.

2. Free up wealth in your business.

3. Exit strategies

4. Investment strategies.

5. Multiple revenue streams. 

6. Four Pillars of a dynasty.

7. Abundance. 

and much more...


Contact Molly - she has provided some free resources for you here as well. Take advantage of her offer. 

For additional insights go to www.BusinessOwnerFreedom.com to join our community. We look forward to getting to know you. 

Join the Business Owner Freedom Mastermind.

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The Vision Story Mini Course is ready to go. We officially launch it May 1st. Go here to get started on your vision.   

If you have questions or show subject suggestions, you can submit those via email to [email protected].

If you truly enjoyed the show, don't forget to leave a positive rating and review on iTunes. We are preparing more episodes, so join us again next week! Thank you for tuning in to the Business Owner Freedom Podcast!


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