LeRoy Ashby, Professor and Author, joins the Business of Story Podcast to talk about the shifting reality of the news, the similarities between P.T. Barnum and Trump, and how popular culture is an inherent part of our storytelling.

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In This Episode

Why having an understanding of pop culture will improve your storytelling How P.T Barnum and Donald Trump are surprisingly similar Why politics have become more open to entertainment techniques How to utilize a barker mentality to hook your audience Why the country was so responsive to the simple but dynamic Trump campaign How to recognize key archetypes to integrate into your brand story



LeRoy Ashby “With Amusement for All: A History of American Popular Culture Since 1830” by LeRoy Ashby “The Art of Money Getting” by P.T. Barnum “The Art of the Deal” by Donald Trump Fiji Mermaid Joice Heth Washington State University "The Hero's Journey," by Joseph Campbell “Your DIY Guide to Crafting and Telling Compelling Brand Stories that Sell,” by Park Howell BusinessofStory.com [email protected]


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