Brian Scudamore, Founder and CEO of 1-800-Got-Junk, joins the Business of Story Podcast to discuss the power of a painted vision, finding the right employees, and his three primary story tips to build an enterprise.

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In This Episode

Why the power of visualizing your success is key to building your brand How to paint a picture large enough for your brand to grow into Why people buy story more than they buy brands How to find the employees that are right for your brand Why you have to believe your brand story before others will follow How to use three story tips that will help grow your enterprise



Brian Scudamore Brian Scudamore on Twitter, @BrianScudamore 1-800-Got-Junk O2EBrands Young Presidents Organization Undercover Boss: Canada Dave Notte "The Hero's Journey," by Joseph Campbell “Your DIY Guide to Crafting and Telling Compelling Brand Stories that Sell,” by Park Howell [email protected]

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