Dylan KelleyFounder of Wavebreak


Dylan Kelley is the founder of Wavebreak and host of the popular Wavebreak Ecommerce Podcast.

He helps to lead eCommerce brands to maximize their email revenue and stop leaving money on the table.


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Charles:                        00:00                In
this episode of the business of e-commerce. I talked with Dylan Kelly about the
best email marketing strategies for 2020 this is a business of eCommerce
episode 101 welcome to the business of eCommerce. They show the helps eCommerce
retailers start, launch and grow their eCommerce business. I'm your host, Charles


and I'm here today with Dylan. Kelly. Dylan is the founder of wave
break and he's an email marketing expert. I asked him on the show today to talk
about what marketing strategies you should be using going into 2020 so, Hey
Dylan, how are you doing today?

Dylan:                           00:36                Doing
well. Good to be on the show. Thanks for having me. Yeah.

Charles:                        00:38                Awesome
to have you back on the show. You are repeat guest. You were here in, what
about about a year ago? Episode 60. I think, right?

Dylan:                           00:47                Yeah,
we're getting here. We're getting on almost a year. So it was last January,
well, January, 2019

Charles:                        00:51                January.
Okay. And at the time we talked about email strategy, email marketing
strategies for 2019. So now, almost a year later, we're talking about 20, 20,

Dylan:                           00:58                20,
20 emails still a thing. It's still making money. And I'm going to tell you how
to make more of it in 2020.

Charles:                        01:05                Awesome.
So a year later, and what do you, what do you know, email still works? How
about how about bash?

Dylan:                           01:10                It
still works, you know, and despite all the fear and EV, everyone, you know,
freaking out like, Oh, this and that email's dying. But no, I mean it's still,
I mean it's still crushing it for our clients and I mean, it's going to keep
doing that. It's not going to be like this thing that just one day it's like,
Oh, email just completely dies. Yeah, I mean,

Charles:                        01:28                And I
feel like every year this becomes, this is a thing, right? Where they're like,
well, social and you can like it, you know, you can build like a Facebook
following and like everyone starts doing that and then all of a sudden Facebook
kind of locks it down and makes it so well you need to actually pay it every
year and followers and like, okay, well, and everyone moves back to email and
then like something new comes along and it just, it keeps, it just keeps going
around in a circle. But email ever. That's the one thing that everyone keeps
coming back to, it seems

Dylan:                           01:54                Right.
Like literally over the last 20 years, right? Like basically entire history of,
you know, e-commerce on the internet as no a email has been there and you
always own your email list. So it's this asset that just like unlike, I mean,
you think about all the social networks that have come and gone, you know, in
the beginning, Friendster, MySpace, all these random ones that don't even exist
anymore. I mean, back then you could just rank and bank and it's not the same
anymore. If SEO that changes, you know, every few months you get Facebook
doing, you know, their whole, like the whole law with Cambridge Analytica and
all these things. Like if people start freaking out, like, you know, they have
their new Netflix documentary on it, even I was watching and I was like, wow,