Nate GinsburgFounder of SellerPlex


Nate built up his eCommerce business and sold for $1million in 2017. All while living around the world and doing lots and lots of yoga.

Now, Nate helps other entrepreneurs run better, more profitable and more scaleable businesses with SellerPlex.

Nate is passionate about living a free and balanced life helping others do the same!

Learn more about Nate on his Instagram @nteginsburg.


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Charles:                        00:00                In
this episode of a business V commerce. I talk with Nate Ginsburg about putting
systems in people in place to help you scale your business. This is a business
of eCommerce, episode 105.

Charles:                        00:17                Welcome
to the business to be commerce. They show that helps eCommerce retailers start
launch and grow [inaudible] eCommerce business. I'm your host, Charles Polaski.
I'm here today with Nakeds Berg. Nate is a founder of seller Plex where he
helps Amazon and other eCommerce retailers grow their business by scaling their
supply chain. I asked him on the show today to talk about how you, you can
scale your business by putting systems and people in place. So, Hey Nate, how
are you doing today? Doing good. Doing good? Thanks. Yeah, doing good. So
wanted to make sure. So sell a Plex. Is it just supply chain or do you guys do
finance as well? You were just saying.

Nate:                            00:52                Yeah,
so we basically you know, our sweet spot is all the things that need to get
done to keep a business running, but are, you know, not really the fun stuff.
And so I like, I believe that as an entrepreneur it's all of our best
opportunity. Me, you you know, all the e-commerce listeners to do what do what
we're best at and double down on, you know, where where we can add the most
value and then you know, delegate and you know, offload the other areas that
are, you know, necessary to run the business well but you know, aren't going to
actually grow the business. So that's where that's where we come in. So our
services include a supply chain, finance admin so that, you know, you as the
owner can yeah, double down on, on growing the business.

Charles:                        01:49                Got
it. So it goes very well to show topic then. I love the idea of putting systems
in place. It's one of those things and e-commerce is a business where there's a
lot of repetition where a lot of things like orders come in and the goal is,
you know, 99% of orders follow the exact same path. They do the same thing.
Hopefully 9%, nothing goes wrong. They just kind of ship. So there's a lot of
this like work that just needs to be done every day, multiple times a day. So
putting systems in place, e-commerce is like this, like soup compared to some
other businesses like consulting where everything's almost a one off
e-commerce. The goal is there, it's a factory, it's assembly line, they just
kind of move through. Right?

Nate:                            02:30                Yeah,
absolutely. And so a little kind of background on me and the business. So I had
my own eCommerce business, you know, started maybe five or six years ago and
you know, I'm, I'm the kind of person that I'm not good at very many things and
so needed to get help in all these areas that I, you know, were necessary and
important, but you know, it wasn't particularly good at or didn't want to be
good at, you know, for example, the customer service you know, supply chain, finance,
admin and and yeah, like, you know, that allowed me to, you know, build this
business that, you know, was you know, running very well. You know, sales were