We all know there is more to running an amazing dance studio then posting on social media and emailing with parents. Without creating an exceptional experience in the classroom, we don’t have an amazing product that we can share and grow.

If you are a one person show or growing your team, it is so hard to balance the time between all the administration that comes with running a business as well as creating exciting lesson plans from week to week. Here is where an amazing curriculum steps in!

If you have spare cash lying around, I would recommend looking to purchase a curriculum that is already done for you as it would save a heap of time. But maybe like me when I started the curriculum journey, if you don’t have a heap spare at minute, it might be time to create something yourself. Or even if you like creative control, creating a curriculum that is custom to your studio can be an amazing asset.

Over the next 3 episodes I am going to dive deep on the difference between a curriculum that works & one that flops, what you need to ask yourself when creating a successful curriculum & my 5 step curriculum creation process to create the curriculum of your dreams.

Over the next 3 weeks I will be sharing bonus tidbits, templates and videos in my Facebook group for DSOs. If you want to grab a copy, just join the FB community. It is all free!

Today we are going over the 4 questions you need to ask yourself before starting to create a curriculum at your studio.