In the age of social media, all business owners know & understand the power of video (and particularly live video), but there are sometimes a lot of nerves involved when you first start going live.

I have put together some practical tips & tricks for you to go live TODAY! And yes, that is a challenge!

1. Practice - Are you nervous about going live? You need to practice! with time everything gets easier. Just like performing on stage. It takes practice!

2. Mix it up - try different types of videos to start with. A few examples might be behind the scenes (rehearsals, open days, mini tour), partnering with other local businesses or a Q&A session.

3. Live 'how to' videos - how to make a bun, how to do dance makeup in 10 mins (make it fun & challenge yourself)

4. Do it regularly! Whether it be once a week or once a month. Set yourself a schedule

5. Cross posting - save & post to another platform (get more bang for your buck)