Previous Episode: Initial Conditions

ArchitectCEO Daily Update: today's parable is - Milk on the Back Wall. As my wife and I were driving home today from the gym at 6 am I realized that we're out of bananas at home for my daily smoothie.

Oh no! Red light emergency! ;)

So we dropped by our local grocery store to pick up bananas - and some milk.

There I was - armed with my mission: get milk and bananas. Simple enough right?

The bananas were easy to find. I asked an associate where I could find the milk.

He pointed to the far back corner of the store.

I confirmed, "The far back corner?"

"Yep," he responded.

I went there and found myself in the meat section. "Hmm ... I think I'll pick up some pork chops."

Finally, after running back to the front of the store and asking another associate where to find the milk, I found that creamy white goodness in the middle of the back wall of the store.

I got back to my car and told my waiting wife about my trouble finding the milk. She replied: "On the back wall right? That's where it usually is."

She reminded me that grocery stores usually have the milk at the back so they have a better chance of you buying something else on your way to get the milk.

Well it worked.

The grocery store strategically designed my experience as a customer.

What I'd have you consider today is this: where in your architecture are you lacking a carefully designed experience for your clients?

Do you have a systematic process for reaching out to and engaging new clients? Do you know what you'll say on the first interaction?

What will you do or say on the third or fourth interaction?

Is this information captured somewhere so that other people can be trained on this process ... so you're not continually reinventing the wheel?

If you realize you need a more carefully scripted process and don't have the time or know where to start, send me a private message. Perhaps I can help you.