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ArchitectCEO Update: the parable of Lollipops at the Carwash. The other day I was driving around with my two oldest daughters (14 yrs and 12yrs old) and decided to drop by the car wash.

My oldest daughter asked excitedly, "Ooh, can I get a lollipop?"

"Don't you think you're a little old to be getting lollipops from the car wash?" I joked with a smile.

She asked her sister if SHE wanted a lollipop.

"Nope," responded my 12 year old daughter.

After thinking for a few seconds, my oldest daughter changed her mind.

"I don't want one after all," she said.

This experience got me to thinking ... where in my life am I changing what I want because of what other people around me are doing?

Am I showing up as my true and authentic self each and every day? I realize I'm not, but I'm committed to do better.

Discover more by listening to today's ArchitectCEO update, and let me know what you think.
