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Next Episode: Is Your Bar Crooked?

ArchitectCEO Daily Update: Today's parable is 'everything is connected.' I haven't been sleeping well recently. Perhaps this also happens to you. I go to bed at a decent hour, and then I toss and turn all night long and wake up feeling groggy and sleepy. Because I'm tired, my energy is low throughout the day and I don't show up as my best self for my wife, kids, my team members and clients. As the saying goes, unhappy wife, unhappy life. In today's ArchitectCEO update, you'll discover the parable of 'everything is connected' - how parts of our life and business that we think are separate are actually interwoven into one connected tapestry. Throw one thing off balance and the entire game goes off-kilter.

To discover how to build your DREAM architecture practice so you can have balance in your work and your life, go to