Starting and building a business can be a daunting thought at the best of times.

The emotion and excitement often get the better of people and they just jump right in and start implementing and building without considering the consequences or direction of what they are trying to actually build.

You wouldn’t build a house without a clear solid plan and proper preparation beforehand and nor should you build a business without one also.

When you build a house there are clearly defined stages and steps that need to take place so that things are solid and stable for the next stage and so on.

For example, you wouldn’t start putting the roof on if you haven’t built the walls. It just won’t work.

Business is exactly the same you have to follow the right steps and stages in order to be successful and achieve what your vision.

In this episode, you will learn

Why each stage of building a business is the same as building a house. The critical stages of building a business to be successful Why it’s important to follow each stage in order to provide a solid foundation for the next stages and each subsequent stage. Why it’s important not to miss a step in building a successful business.