We’re continuing our encore of the masterclass edition of the Business Infrastructure podcast. In the last episode, you heard the story of Sarah and Steve Reuben - siblings whose rivalry and siloed leadership enabled a virus attack on their family-owned business’s network. A consultant taught them how to design an Electronic Records Management system to organize, store, and secure their digital files while also protecting their operations from future digital disasters.

Electronic Records Management is the third element in building business infrastructure. It involves organizing all your digital files based on the departments you identified in the Business Parts Analysis. It also includes assigning proper access rights according to the roles identified in your Business Design Blueprint. It’s the perfect complement to disaster recovery and business continuity planning.

Now you can discover how to create one for your organization! In this episode, host Alicia Butler Pierre offers a 9-step tutorial on creating an Electronic Records Management system. You’ll not only end up with an organized, disaster-proof system, but you’ll also have peace of mind knowing that your digital assets are accounted for and protected. With remote back-office operations and small business cybersecurity attacks on the rise, you don’t want to miss this lesson!


🔗 Links to Resources: https://www.eqbsystems.com/podcast/240-business-infrastructure-masterclass-how-to-create-an-electronic-digital-records-management-system-for-small-businesses-in-high-demand

❓ Send your questions to Alicia on Twitter or LinkedIn.

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