What is Business Games, and what's in it for you? Who is it for? What is our promise?

Next week, I'll introduce Season One—but in this episode, I introduce the full concept of this educational podcast + newsletter series where we apply game theory to business, to help you make better decisions under uncertainty.

ContentsWelcome to! Business Games! [00:06]The Target Audience: Who Is It For? Who Is the Hero of This Journey? [01:10]The Genesis: A Prologue [04:17]What's in a Name? Business Games, Decoded [09:22]What to Expect from the Structure of the Seasons? How I Analyse and Learn and Why This Is Relevant? [18:48]My Promise to You + What I Ask from You [28:25]The Upcoming Seasons [37:26]The Homework [40:55]The Disclaimer [44:38]
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