Brexit advice for importers and exporters BCL257 Tariffs, Customs and more…

Should the UK leave the EU on 22nd May without a deal, businesses that import from and/or export to the EU will be faced with additional controls and requirements that they currently do no need to do when trading with the EU. In a no-deal scenario, businesses will be faced with making Customs Declarations for imports and exports, understanding commodity codes and the tariffs and duties attached to these codes, understanding Incoterm rules and the obligations, additional paperwork requirements, changes with rules of origin and possible implications to UK exemption from the EU trade agreements.

This programme will look at how UK importers and exporters trading with the EU and other overseas countries can prepare for these changes, in the event of a no-deal scenario, where they can find support and information and how to minimise the potential disruption.

Who is Gary Hayes, International Trade Manager, Surrey Chambers of Commerce

Gary is the International Trade Manager at Surrey Chambers of Commerce where he has been since 2015. Along with his team, Gary has been providing International Trade services, including their successful export documentation service, to over 500 Surrey businesses.

Gary has been co-ordinating Surrey Chambers response to Brexit, providing useful information and guidance to their 1500 members. Gary sits on various Brexit Intelligence and Planning groups providing business feedback to the British Chambers of Commerce and working with Enterprise M3 in supporting the Brexit Clinics being held in Surrey and Hampshire.