BBF257 Selling is not a numbers game with Samantha Pickering
Strap yourselves in for a very insightful chat about marketing and sales with Samantha Pickering. She believes that compassion and creativity are the two key ingredients - not numbers and statistics. It was refreshing to hear such a human take on a process that is so often misunderstood.

See some of Samantha’s top tips below:
** Some of the best sales training comes from learning about complaints. Once you understand what not to do, you can sell more effectively.
** Learn your touchpoints. What do they feel like from your customers’ point of view rather than from your point of viewl?
** Consider marketing to be a sales conversation without you being present.
** People are not numbers! KPIs are all very well, but don’t ever forget that you are selling to people.
** Earn the right to progress your sales journey. You should get to the point where you can ask your lead “what would you like to do next?” and they reply “I’d like to buy”.
** Remove the focus from yourself and make the conversation about your lead/customer.
In this episode of Business Brain Food you will learn:
** How to use systems to create empathy
** The value of customers who bought elsewhere
** The differences between sales and marketing
** The art of connective conversation
** The exploratory phase of sales
Resources mentioned in this episode:
** If you’re a business coach, business adviser or would like to become one, go to: https://maxmyprofit.com.au/business-exceleration.html

** Find Samantha on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sales-leadership-growth-coach-queensland/

** Samantha’s website: http://www.passionatesalesconsulting.com

** All previous BBF episodes & show notes can be found at http://www.businessbrainfood.com.au

** Join the Business Brain Food Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BusinessBrainFood/
** Twitter: https://twitter.com/bfewtrell
Call to action:
Samantha is living proof of what can be achieved if you approach your sales and marketing like a human being rather than like a robot. Empathy is the key!
Also, if you are enjoying these Business Brain Food podcasts, then make sure to share them via social media sites or email the links to family and friends. A lot of time and effort goes into producing each of these podcasts with the goal in mind of the more people we can inspire about business the better. You can help us do just that!
Until next time, have a profitable day!
Ben Fewtrell
02 8808 5500

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