Recruiting salespeople is one of the biggest challenges that a business owner can face, and to make matters worse, most of what we thought we knew about recruitment has been disproven as myth! Luckily we have someone on the show who can debunk the whole process and give you all the tools you need to hire the right salespeople. James Michael is CEO of Justified Talent; a specialist recruitment for salespeople. James’ background in behavioural psychology and in the military gives him the edge over a lot of other recruiters. He definitely does things differently.

See some of James’ top tips below:
** Know the difference between a good candidate and a good storyteller. You’ve got to look beyond the facade in an interview.
** You must have a tight sales & marketing process before you go out and hire somebody. You can’t simply expect a salesperson to deliver great results if your own business doesn’t really know what it is selling.
** Instead of getting your sales candidate to waffle on about themselves, why not watch them actually trying to make a sale? This is the best possible proof you could have.
** Don’t get hung up on “active” or “passive” candidates. One is not better than the other.
** If you’re reaching out to candidates on Linkedin, use a video. The open rates are far better than if you just send a standard written message.
In this episode of Business Brain Food you will learn:
** How to find salespeople a different way
** How to avoid subconscious bias when you’re recruiting
** Where lead generation fits into the process
** How to advertise your job for free
** How to write the right ad
** Should you hire an optimist or a pessimist?
Resources mentioned in this episode:
** If you’re a business coach, business adviser or would like to become one, go to:

** Go to James’ company website here:

** All previous BBF episodes & show notes can be found at

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Call to action:
Forget all the brainwashing you’ve had about the recruitment process. James’ methods show that times have really changed.
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Until next time, have a profitable day!
Ben Fewtrell
02 8808 5500

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