Facebook marketing is something that every business could benefit from. This week’s guest Greg Cassar shares his online marketing expertise with us, offering some of the tricks of the trade to make your facebook campaigns stand out from the crowd. This is actually the second time Greg has appeared on the show (see his last appearance here: http://actioncoachanz.com/bbf-071-how-to-get-more-leads-customers-and-sales-with-digital-marketing-expert-greg-cassar). We decided to invite him back because the feedback from his last show was so darn good; so keep reading for a brief summary of Greg’s no-nonsense take on facebook marketing.

If you are uncertain whether Facebook is the right medium for you, then Greg will have changed your mind by the end of the podcast. Here are some of the main reasons why Facebook marketing is so powerful:

** Facebook is a more targeted form of marketing than banner ads

** Greg believes there has never been a better time in history to position your brand, and Facebook is one of the main reasons for this

** Every time someone clicks ‘like’ or they share or comment, Facebook logs this as part of an intelligent database that can be used when you buy Facebook advertising

** For no more than 20 AUD per day, you can run a very advanced and targeted advertising campaign

** By just changing an ad’s image, you can hit way more people

** Running a wide range of adverts is very easy on Facebook

The phrase that Greg keeps referring back to is “perpetual motion”, i.e. whatever marketing you do on facebook, make sure it is part of a consistent flow. A surefire way to waste money is by spending big and then pulling the plug. Facebook will also give your ads better priority if you’re consistent. Another important thing to consider is your mindset when analysing a campaign. If a campaign goes badly, don’t take it personally. See each advert and each campaign as an experiment, but an experiment that is always effective enough to give you the data you need to make your next marketing decision

In this episode of Business Brain Food you will learn:

** Why you should market on Facebook

** How ‘big data’ is set to shape Facebook marketing in Australia

** The different ways of advertising on Facebook (there are a total of 15 different advert types)

** The concept of ‘remarketing’

** The 95% rule

** The pros and cons of using a marketing agency

Resources mentioned in this episode:

** For a one-on-one business assessment (http://www.businessassessment.com.au)

** Greg’s website (http://www.collective.com.au)

** Podcast Addict for Androids (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bambuna.podcastaddict&hl)

** Facebook (www.facebook.com/businessbrainfood)

** Business Brain Food Facebook Group (www.facebook.com/groups/businessbrainfood)

** Twitter (https://twitter.com/bfewtrell)

** ActionCOACH (http://actioncoachanz.com/itunes)

** ActionCOACH (http://actioncoachanz.com/stitcher)

Remember, there are 1.5bn people on facebook worldwide (18m in Australia), so unless you want to miss out on a load of potential leads, you simply have to understand the brilliant marketing opportunities that facebook has to offer, and who better to teach you than a straight-talking Aussie called Greg? Also, if you are enjoying these Business Brain Food podcasts, then make sure to share them via social media sites or email the links to family and friends. A lot of time and effort goes into producing each of these podcasts with the goal in mind of the more people we can inspire about business the better. You can help us do just that! Until next time, have a profitable day. Cheers, Ben Fewtrell

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