Predicting the Future of Business with Mark McCrindle

Mark McCrindle is a social researcher, author, futurist, and the go-to-guy for predicting the future of business. However, he doesn't even use a crystal ball! Mark researches trends and spends time trying to understand what is happening in society – social trends to be aware of in business. His research methods include online panels, online surveys, pen-and-paper studies, focus groups, and interviews. Research offers an opportunity to gain insight and respond to changing needs.

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We are in the midst of the most transformative decade. It is important for businesses to observe, understand, and respond to changes in technology. Don’t get stuck in the 80s! People of all ages use technology and social media. It doesn't matter whether you are a Baby Boomer or a Generation Xer. Have you heard the phrase, “Retired and wired”? It is about the attitude, not the age or generation. Businesses need to have a non-stop quest for survival and transformation when it comes to changes in trends. Don’t be resistant to change – it may mean the difference between failure and success! In this episode of Business Brain Food you will learn:

** How research is conducted

** How to make research findings available

** About current and future trends in business

** About the impact of social media and technology on business

** How businesses adapt to changes in technology

** How to handle different generations of employees and customers

** Whether businesses should utilize online selling/services

** How to maximize value and increase loyalty for your business

Resources mentioned in this episode:

** Mark McCrindle's Website

** View the various McCrindle Research Reports

** Business Brain Food Podcast #41 with Genevieve George

** Gerry Harvey

** WhatsApp

** John Wesley

** The Tipping Point

** Ben Fewtrell – Twitter

** Ben Fewtrell – LinkedIn

** Ben Fewtrell – Facebook

** Ben Fewtrell – ActionCOACH

Are you a business owner?

Use the information provided in this podcast to address the needs of all generations when it comes to the ever-changing world of technology and future trends. Also, if you are enjoying these Business Brain Food podcasts, then make sure to share them with family and friends and anyone else that you feel will get a lot from them. A lot of time and effort goes into producing each of these podcasts with the goal in mind of the more people we can inspire about business the better. You can help us do just that! Until next time, have a profitable day. Cheers, Ben Fewtrell (02) 9111 5000

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