From Idea to Author-ity with Maria Carlton

Have you ever thought about writing a book? Many feel overwhelmed when it comes to such a dream. It feels like a much bigger project than it actually is. But if you are an authority or expert in your field of work – that is a great reason to write a book!

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These days, everyone believes they can write a book. But a good book is well written, well promoted, and has credibility. Writing a book is an opportunity to show people that you are an authority or expert. It is a great way to market yourself, and it is a credibility builder. Maria Carlton is a transformation specialist and marketing communication coach. Also, she is an author and has written several books, including “From Idea to Author-ity.” This book enables people to know all about publishing their own books. It provides answers to several questions: How do I plan my book? How do I market it? How do I get started? How do I publish my own book? And many more questions… How can you utilise your talents, knowledge, and expertise to write a book that will put you into a position of authority? Maria Carlton is here to help you! In this episode of Business Brain Food you will learn:

** Why you should publish your own book

** The formula used to write and publish a book

** How much time it takes to write and publish a book

** About a writer’s expectations and the reality of publishing

** How to market and promote you and your book

** How to work with editors and mentors

** The differences between quality and rubbish books

** About the costs involved in writing and publishing a book

Resources mentioned in this episode:


** From Idea to Author-ity

** Six Golden Rules for Writing a Book

** Dixie Carlton – Beyond the Shadows

** Andrew Griffiths - BBF Episode #21

** Michelle Bowden - BBF Episode #12

** Dale Beaumont

** Dan Poynter

** National Speakers Association of Australia

** Mindy Gibbins-Klein

** Malcolm Gladwell

** Diana Gabaldon

** ActionCOACH Referral Program

Are you an expert in your field of work?

Have you ever thought about writing a book? Use the advice provided in this podcast to get started with writing your very first book. Also, if you are enjoying these Business Brain Food podcasts, then make sure to share them via social media sites or email the links to family and friends. A lot of time and effort goes into producing each of these podcasts with the goal in mind of the more people we can inspire about business the better. You can help us do just that! Until next time, have a profitable day. Cheers, Ben Fewtrell (02) 9111 5000