Marketing Automation with Crystelle Topatan

Marketing automation is the newest technology when it comes to nurturing and managing your database. Crystelle Topatan has been working with Infusionsoft, a cloud based marketing automation program for several years and today is going to share with you how using these programs will at the ability for you to manage your data-base, nurture your database and sell to your database like you've never done before.

* Press play above to listen to this weeks Podcast *

If you're one of the few people that already use an automated marketing platform you'll love this podcast as it will help you uncover some of the amazing features within the program you currently use, if like most, you haven't started the journey down marketing automation and you're looking for a way to enhance your communication and contact with your database that is efficient and effective then get ready to take copious amounts of notes.

During this interview Crystelle will reveal her “ultimate life-cycle marketing” process that will help you generate more leads, convert those leads into paying customers, deliver your product or service systematically and consistently, automatically up-sell and most importantly… get lots of referrals!

In this episode of Business Brain Food you will learn:

** What automated marketing is

** How to utilise software plug-ins to save you heaps of time

** What a lead magnet is and how to use it to drastically increased the number of leads coming into your business

** How to customise your messages to your database based on their behaviour

** One of the most untapped resources for your business when it comes to marketing

Resources mentioned in this episode:






What do you think about Automation?

Do you have any questions for Crystelle about automating your marketing and business? If so leave them below or better yet, leave us a voice message to the right and we will play it in an upcoming episode of the show. Remember we are also giving people whose question gets played on the podcast, a free business book!

A big thank you!

A very big thank you to everyone that has left the Business Brain Food Podcast a 5 star review on iTunes. It is greatly appreciated and very important to helping us get this podcast out to more listeners. If you enjoy listening to this business podcast each week and haven't yet left us a review, jump into iTunes now and do that.

You would be doing us a big favour!

Cheers, Ben Fewtrell